Is This Setup Ok For This Species (Beginner Here)

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Is This Setup Ok For This Species (Beginner Here)

Beitragvon 318197 » 21. Jul 2010 13:37

This set up ... 77c8098fa1

With this ant Manica rubida ... 77c8098fa1

Or maybe someone else could suggest another good starter ant?

Would like a species thats on the bigger side.
Will attack roachs/crickets.
DOES NOT need any lamps or heating.
Maybe produces soldiers (would be a bonus but not essential)

Been reading you keep the queen & workers in the test tube for awhile, i suppose using a ice cream tub or one of the chinese take out plastic tubs could be used for there food & water etc ... then when the colony is big enough move them to the setup?
Beiträge: 3
Alter: 39
Registriert: 21. Jul 2010 00:56
Land: United Kingdom (uk)
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Werbeanzeige: Ameisen Ausbruchsschutz Lack 10ml

Re: Is This Setup Ok For This Species (Beginner Here)

Beitragvon 318197 » 30. Jul 2010 09:46

Well i went ahead with this species & the set up A, They arrived yesterday morning 29th July around 11am, there is around 20 workers + queen

So far they have nested in the moss that thy arrived in, which is now in the glass base, the sand/loam farm mix is well on its way to drying out.
They covered the water dish & sponge with a little mud.
They also coved the Honey in some mud.

Just cleaned both dishs & filled with fresh water & honey.
Beiträge: 3
Alter: 39
Registriert: 21. Jul 2010 00:56
Land: United Kingdom (uk)
Hat sich bedankt: 0 Danke
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Werbeanzeige: Ameisen Ausbruchsschutz Lack 10ml

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