von gonzobey » 17. Mär 2004 10:41
Hello Peter!
We send your parcel on the 15th this month and I think it will arrive you till the end of the week.
So now to your questions:
1) At the beginning you only need a small tank (please tell me how great/small is your tank you choose), where you put the test tupe with the ants. You are ordering one queen so I want to say to you, thats the best to let the queen in the test tube, after getting enough workers they will move out of the test tube.
2) If you want to let the ant digging into the sand its better to mixed the sand in a ratio 1:1 with loam, the substrat is less sensible of vibrations. If you want to watch the ants in her nest, choose a antfarm or a ytong nest.
3) Its not necessary to use stones or bark, this could be used to get the farm beautiful like you want it.
4) Yes you can use a bottle lid for reaching the ants some water or food like honeywater. When the ants move out of the test tube you can also use this one. Get water in it and put a cotton pad in, ready (this alternative must only rechanged after some weeks and the ants couldn´t get drown.
5) I think you mean with this lid a possibilities to be sure that the ants don´t break out. For this you can take a lid, a net, talcum or vegetable oil - you see there are many alternatives.
6) Normally the queen will get energy by abolish her fly muscles (because she don´t need them anymore). so the quenn don´t need food, only water (which is in the test tube). If you want you can put some honeywater or dead insects (nearly once a week) in the test tube to aid the queen. But allways remove the rest of the food after 2-3 days.
I hope that this informations helped you. If you have some more questions.....
Best regards