Art project with ants

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Art project with ants

Beitragvon Dries Verhoeven » 17. Jul 2013 09:09

Dutch theatremaker and visual artist Dries Verhoeven is working on an idea for a large installation with ants for a Museum. The ants will represent the working humans on earth. From a business man in London until a fabric dyeing man in India.

We are thinking of in installation of 70 "tables" with an average size of 1m2. For each table we will create an plaster environment for one ant colony. The installation will be shown in a dark room where museum visitors with Infrared Glasses can walk by. Perhaps occasionally somewhere a lamp turns on to put a focus on an area and to increases the activity of the ants. The work will be shown in a museum from mid-May 2014 for at least 6 weeks for public. After this it will (probably) travel to two other locations.

To make it we would need 70 ant colonies with enough (approx 3000) ants to see a lot of activity around May next year.
We are now busy looking for ways to make this possible.
If you think you can help us with that please don't hestitate to contact us. Any suggestions and advise is more then welcome.

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Dries Verhoeven
Beiträge: 3
Alter: 48
Registriert: 17. Jul 2013 09:02
Land: Netherlands (nl)
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